Wednesday, January 28, 2009


Wow I just realized its been a while since I said hi. I have been super busy. School is going GREAT! I love 2 of my classes. There is one that I could so do without lol. But Im doing well in the class and thats what counts.

Im taking more steps to the "new" me. Tomorrow I have a hair appointment. Craig is getting my hair done for my birthday. Im very excited I have never had my hair done professionaly before... and we all know that IT SHOWS HAHAHAAH.

Zander has now mastered climbing the gate to the stairs. Alyssa has realized that climbing ontop of chairs allows her to grab many more things that she shouldnt touch.

Zachery is doing really well in school. He also has been learning lots in his therapy.

Austin is being Austin lol who knew 8 year olds were so.... hmm whats the word... creative! He is testing the water and has been telling a few lies. I hope him and I are working past that right now.

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Day 1 of school

Its very interesting when you have no been in school in years.... And nothing really cahnges... Or does it?

Waiting in the hall for the instructor to come unlock the door. You a few people talking to the person they came with.. The rest of us are just quietly leaning against the wall. The once the large wooden door opens.... I walk to the back of the classroom as others fill in behind me. Once everyone has sat down I realize Im sitting alone.. No one to the left of me no one to the right of me.. Kinda odd seeings how those are the only 2 seats open..

It feels very odd watching the young guys chatting about nothing. The cute table of girls from highschool. You know they are the ones that giggle as the one drops her gum allowing the nice older lady next to her to pick it up. With out even a thank you.

Then the late chick enters the room with her little starbucks in her hand.. and picks a empty seat against the wall..

The instructer begins to speak and seems very nice. Then she says that 30% of my grade is on replying to the classroom forums.. I smiled right away. I love to talk this is nothing new lol. Then walks in another later arriver.. She smiles and sits next to me. We then spend the rest of the class kinda making jokes to each other.

Then its time for open chatter about the topics. And WOW these people spoke to everyone about everything. There was no longer a quiet pause. Nor did I feel like I couldnt include my thoughts or interest.

Last nights class actually went WONDERFUL and Im looking forward to doing it again.

Friday, January 9, 2009

Been working crazy hours with the snow this week. Im so out of whack its annoying. But money is money. Tonight is going to be a long night we are suppose to get a crap load of snow. Today Craig decided to go back to school! Im so proud of him.

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Quest to the new me...

Well Im have been looking around at things that annoy me in my life.. And Im actually starting to do something about it. Normally I would just gripe and go on.. But somethings arnt changing so I guess its time for me to change them. I have made dentist appointments to finally fix my teeth. This is a large depression issue for me. I enjoy smiling with my teeth showing. I cant remember the last time I laughed without trying to cover my mouth. School officialy starts in 5 days. Im so ready for this large challenge. I just repeat over and over again I GOT THIS! I hope thats enough to keep me motivated.

Im excited to say Nikki is now 14 weeks pregnant. Lil Gavin is 3 months old. Where has the time gone? Last night was a fun night with myh friends we sat around eatting icecream. Lil Gavin was laughing and smiling at me. He is sooo flipping cute. I tried to listen to Nikkis babys heartbeat but there was so much going on and so many people talking I will have to try another day.

Well today I have to work my 1 day a week to pay benifits. Woopiie Do I get to spend the day with most of the people dont like me. Hey its a job right?

Monday, January 5, 2009


Well Im up and starting to get functional this morning. The boys go back to school today after being off for winter break. And I think they are a little more excited then I am to get out of the house lol. I also think Im gonna run to the gym this morning. I really need to get back on track of weightloss. But when ever I go to the gym I can never get over this mental thing that everyone is looking at me and making fun of my twinskin. I know its all in my head but its frustrating.

AND this morning I get to go get my text books for class. Classes start the 12th and Im ready and scared all at the same time.

Friday, January 2, 2009

Today I was able to put Alyssa's hair up in a real pony with a bow.
Its not much buts it is a start. Craig keeps making fun of me telling me to just leave the poor girl alone. But for her being my only girl atleast let me try geez.

What am I doing...

Im joining the blogging world. I have read blogs for over 2 years now and always thought man I wish I had enough to say to have a blog going. Then I sat back and realize that I have 4 kids lol there has to be plenty of things I can say. So I join you others in the blogging world.

Im an online gamer... a mom of 4... a full time student... and will be back to work full time in March.