Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Quest to the new me...

Well Im have been looking around at things that annoy me in my life.. And Im actually starting to do something about it. Normally I would just gripe and go on.. But somethings arnt changing so I guess its time for me to change them. I have made dentist appointments to finally fix my teeth. This is a large depression issue for me. I enjoy smiling with my teeth showing. I cant remember the last time I laughed without trying to cover my mouth. School officialy starts in 5 days. Im so ready for this large challenge. I just repeat over and over again I GOT THIS! I hope thats enough to keep me motivated.

Im excited to say Nikki is now 14 weeks pregnant. Lil Gavin is 3 months old. Where has the time gone? Last night was a fun night with myh friends we sat around eatting icecream. Lil Gavin was laughing and smiling at me. He is sooo flipping cute. I tried to listen to Nikkis babys heartbeat but there was so much going on and so many people talking I will have to try another day.

Well today I have to work my 1 day a week to pay benifits. Woopiie Do I get to spend the day with most of the people dont like me. Hey its a job right?

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