Thursday, March 4, 2010

Alyssa, my sweetie pie

I remember wanting a girl so bad. When I had that ultrasound and I threatened the tech that if one of the twins wernt a girl I would cry. I was honestly kidding... well sorta =)

I got my gift of a girl. And my oh my. This is nothing like raising the boys. The boys are so easy going. Alyssa has been in control of her twin since they were in the womb.

Today Alyssa started tattling on other kids in the house. Zander took a toy from the toy box and Alyssa was right there shaking her little finger at him "N o No Zander" she told him. He actually walked over and put the toy back. Silly little boy.

I enjoy her cuddling on my lap, petting my hair, and saying sweet words "Mama you so purrrty" That very moment reminds me how lucky I am to have a sweet little girl.

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