Tuesday, March 2, 2010

House Project + Kids = oh my

Craig and I have began some house projects. With 2 of the rooms downstairs at the half way mark its time to get them done! For gosh sakes he started the kitchen BEFORE I got pregnant with the twins. and my trim is still not up and the floor isn't laid. So today he picked up some tile. and we are moving forward... Or so I thought LOL

I went to run a few errands and called him while I was out, asked how it was going. Well it appears while he was mudding the corners in the kitchen the twins managed to take EVERYTHING off my desk. I still have no clue what they did with half of the stuff. Alyssa managed to drink my ice tea and drop it. Oye I knew better then to leave it on my desk.

Once the projects get done it will be nice to put the rooms back together. The twins get into EVERYTHING possible. If you can think of it..... They have already done it .... and I cant tell you how many items we have had to pull out of the toilet, furnace vents, etc. And its odd because I would be reading a book to Alyssa and 2 secs later realize I can't see Zander and by that point he is already doing something crazy. Well I tended to drift off into babble land.

I will be excited when these projects get done so my house can continue to get organized.

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